cijin beach 在 Qijin island, Taiwan - 2 year travel anniversary! | bawnsai 的影片資訊
Live streamed on my twitch channel at on February 1st, 2020!! Please like, commen...
Live streamed on my twitch channel at on February 1st, 2020!! Please like, commen...
This is the crazy ways of travelling in Kaohsiung city! In this episode of our Kaohsiung Adventure ...
現在是旗津黑沙玩藝節!旗津是高雄很有名的地方。但那些擺攤的阿姨到底在賣什麽?我的高雄本地朋友今天帶我去是吃高雄旗津的美食! Cijin Island is in all the Kaohsiung ...